CS6476 Computer Vision

Course Link

Firstly, this course is very intense to include many topics in one semester. Especially, the weekly assignments are all hard problems, which would take majority of the study time. The ideal way is to go through all materials before the beginning of semester.

Eventually, I scored 89.27% for this course, almost a highest B one can get. I don’t really care about getting straight As, but this is a bit unfortunate since I was only 0.7% away.

The big lesson learnt is that, I should trust reviews and experiences. I’ve been warned multiple times from all channels that CNN project is a monster, but I still went with it since I thought I knew it well even before this course. But the reality is different. The final project is just so demanding and my past CNN experience is almost irrelevant. If I chose EAR or MHI, it would be definitely a much easier one.

Intro & Syllabus

Fortunately, I have a similar OCR project to do this semester, so some of the methods I do apply to my work. This could be the best case scenario for a part-time Master.